
Showing posts from 2016

It Is Manifestation & Not Creation

Science debunks creation, so does Vedanta, but is there any conflict between Vedanta & Science? First lets understand why Science debunks Creator & creation. Now since I'm no Science nerd I'm just basing this on what I read on the subject matter so don't blame me if I'm wrong. First, the believers in "Creator" will have first to make up their mind whether this so called Creator (God/Allah) lives within or outside the purview of this Universe. If the Creator lives outside of the universe, then he cannot influence the universe or ourselves, he cannot influence the energy and the matter of our closed system universe. Fields of energy, flowing from this Creator, would disrupt gravity, the movement of the earth and all things essential to life. That leaves us with the only logical possibility that the Creator lives in the Universe. Nothing escapes the universe because in essence we are the universe. Our bodies are made from the same subatomic part

Buddha's Middle Way vs. Krishna's Nishkam Karma

Now first let me make something clear before you read this blog, it is not about Buddhism vs Hinduism or who is greater & holier, Buddha or Krishna? This blog entry is more about pacifism vs activism, escapism vs realism, withdrawal vs participation & duty vs desires, interested? And if you have decided to read on, read if you have some rudimentary understanding of Vedanta & Buddhist teachings. So let's ask ourselves is it wise to take an absolute standpoint at a very critical juncture in our lives? By absolute I mean Brahm point of view (or Shunyata point of view in Buddhism). For records, Brahm of Vedanta ≠ Buddhist Shunyata. However, Upanishads have had a very profound influence on Buddha's teachings & it is clearly apparent. Also Brahm is usually misspelt as Brahman & it is NOT a Hindu God or something!! God is an assumption of Abrahamic religions. The world is not a Shangri-la or the city of San Angeles from the movie Demolition Man , the world