Buddha's Middle Way vs. Krishna's Nishkam Karma

Now first let me make something clear before you read this blog, it is not about Buddhism vs Hinduism or who is greater & holier, Buddha or Krishna? This blog entry is more about pacifism vs activism, escapism vs realism, withdrawal vs participation & duty vs desires, interested? And if you have decided to read on, read if you have some rudimentary understanding of Vedanta & Buddhist teachings. So let's ask ourselves is it wise to take an absolute standpoint at a very critical juncture in our lives? By absolute I mean Brahm point of view (or Shunyata point of view in Buddhism). For records, Brahm of Vedanta ≠ Buddhist Shunyata. However, Upanishads have had a very profound influence on Buddha's teachings & it is clearly apparent. Also Brahm is usually misspelt as Brahman & it is NOT a Hindu God or something!! God is an assumption of Abrahamic religions. The world is not a Shangri-la or the city of San Angeles from the movie Demolition Man , the world...